The Sleep Thief
Flynn Pharma
Show how impactful Slenyto can be in helping children with autism and their families. Slenyto is a long-acting melatonin that treats insomnia – a huge problem for children with autism – by helping them sleep through the night.
Something we kept coming back to is what else keeps kids awake at night – nightmares, ghosts, monsters under the bed. Enter the Sleep Thief.
The solution
We created the Sleep Thief, a cute, but very irritating monster that keeps children up at night, heightens their sensitivity to stimuli in the daytime and puts up barriers to socialising… just like insomnia.
We brought to life just how tough it can be for children with autism, without demonising the condition itself. The tone of voice was bold and empowering, playful and mischievous, while being serious and empathetic enough to reflect the toll autism takes on children and their families.
This recent campaign was a huge hit with the client and a finalist for PM and Creative Floor Awards.