Stamp out gout
Boost plateauing sales of a recently launched gout treatment. Interest in gout was low, with a conservative approach from GPs and poor understanding of the condition among the public.
With good disease awareness and education, gout could be reduced significantly, even stamped out altogether.
The solution
We created a multi-channel campaign to inform doctors about the clinical evidence, and educate the public about gout and encourage them to get their uric acid levels measured.
A 2-month pilot resulted in a significant increase in GP visits for gout and uric acid testing. The campaign's website received 15,000 hits and 60,500 page views during the pilot, with an average visit duration of 6 minutes.
The campaign gained multiple awards, including IPA and Rx, and increased market share from 0.5% to 12% in the campaign area, which was 3 times the forecasted growth of 4%.